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Questions & Reservations

Crystal River Fishing Pros Charter Service

Please complete the information below to request a charter on your desired date. If you would like to discuss instead, give us a call at:

Captain JC Livingston - (352) 464-0057

Captain Glen Touchton - (352) 422-6838

Captain Dallas King - (352) 601-8460

Captain James Kerr - (352) 362-6893

Contact Us

Crystal River Fishing Pros Charter Service

9301 West Fort Island Trail Crystal River, Florida, 34429

Captain James Kerr - (352) 362-6893

Captain JC Livingston - (352) 464-0057

Captain Glen Touchton - (352) 422-6838

Captain Dallas King - (352) 601-8460

Pickup Locations

plantation In Crystal River

9301 West Fort Island Trail Crystal River, Florida, 34429


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